

In an article from FOX 2 Detroit, the Oakland County Sheriff's Office emphasizes the importance of water safety as the summer season approaches. With the tragic reality of drowning incidents on the water, law enforcement officials are keen to raise awareness about the essential safety measures while enjoying recreational boating and water sports.

One of the primary concerns discussed in the article is the role of alcohol in boating accidents. Sgt. Brian Burwell from the Oakland County Sheriff's Office Marine Division warns that alcohol can have a more potent effect on individuals due to factors such as heat, sun exposure, and wind while on the water. He stresses that drunk boating can lead to drunk driving, and they enforce alcohol regulations both on the water and roads.

To promote safer boating practices, the article highlights key safety tips shared by experts. It emphasizes the necessity of having a life safety vest for each passenger and discourages reckless behavior during water sports. Distractions like cell phones and texting are discouraged, and boaters are urged to be fully aware of their surroundings. Before heading out on the water, boaters are encouraged to leave a "float plan" with someone trustworthy, detailing their intended locations and return times. This information can be crucial in the event of an emergency or if assistance is needed. Additionally, running out of fuel is noted as a surprisingly common issue faced by boaters, underscoring the importance of proper planning and preparation.

Overall, the article serves as a timely reminder to boaters and water sports enthusiasts about the importance of staying vigilant and following safety guidelines. By adhering to these precautions, individuals can enjoy a fun-filled time on the water while minimizing risks and potential tragedies.

FOX 2: "What’s some of the things people totally ignore after you train them?" "Drinking," McKenzie said. "They want to get the alcohol out there and they just get crazy and they wreck the boat and they call us. We come pick it back up and we repair it. We bring it back out to them and we tell them, 'Don’t do that. These are houses on water.'" Oakland County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Brian Burwell has seen that scenario repeated many times. Alcohol is one of the main causes of drowning on the water. "If you’re on the water, you’re going to have a higher level of, alcohol is going to effect you more, because of the heat, the wind is on you," said Burwell, who is in the Marine Division. "You’re out in the sun all day, so alcohol will have a greater effect on you. Point 101 on the water is the same as on the road. Drunk boating often leads to drunk driving. So when people do leave the lake, we’ll have a number of units on road patrol for alcohol enforcement." On this day we head out on Cass Lake, one of Oakland County's busiest lakes. First things first, before you get out on the water, suit up.

"Always have a life jacket. Just like in your motor vehicle with a seat belt in your car, life jackets don’t work if you don’t use them," Burwell said. Leave a float plan. "If you’re heading out to the lake let people know where you’re going, when you’re headed back, what lakes you’re going to be on," he added.




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